Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Let's Play Campaign

My plan today was to fill you in on our Fitness Boot Camp class that starts in a few weeks. Instead, I feel compelled to take a minute to tell you about all of the activities and programs we have to keep kids of all ages active and healthy. I read an article today about childhood obesity and was just shocked by the statistics (you can read the article here).

Did you know that one in three children, ages 2-19, have been reported as being overweight and childhood obesity causes 112,000 deaths every year? I was completely stunned by those figures. I know there are a number of factors, some that are beyond our control, but getting your children active at a young age can help them develop a love of exercise and physical activity that will last a lifetime.

The secret is finding something your children are interested in. One way to do that is to try a handful of different activities until you find something they like.Our Sporties 4 Shorties class allows your preschooler to try a handful of different sports, including basketball, soccer, football, t-ball and hockey.

Once you find out what your child is good at and what they enjoy, find a program for that sport and age level to sign them up for or try to play it with them outside of organized activities.

Soccer and t-ball are huge sports for preschoolers. The rules, equipment, and field can be tailored to fit any age and skill level. You can call your local parks and recreation department or YMCA for programs in you area. Here at the Massillon Parks and Recreation Department, we offer T-ball, Soccer and Basketball for children as young as 3 years old. Our programs are taught by experienced instructors who know how to teach children that age. We also provide parents with practice guides so you can work with your children off the field.

Getting your children healthy and active doesn't have to cost money, either. It's as simple as playing outside after school or work, going for a walk around your neighborhood or taking a bike ride on the weekend. And an extra benefit of getting involved in these activities with your kids - you could get in better shape, too, and have fun while you're doing it!

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